The use of cord blood is determined by the treating physician and is influenced by many factors, including the patient's medical condition, the characteristics of the sample, and whether the cord blood should come from the patient or an appropriately matched donor. Cord blood has established uses in transplant medicine; however, its use in regenerative medicine is still being researched. There is no guarantee that potential medical applications being studied in the laboratory or clinical trials will become available.
Cord tissue use is still in early research stages, and there is no guarantee that treatments using cord tissue will be available in the future. Cord tissue is stored whole. Additional processing prior to use will be required to extract and prepare any of the multiple cell types from cryopreserved cord tissue.
*Family stories depict the family's personal experiences and are not necessarily representative of other's experiences and cannot predict outcomes for others. Cell Care cannot and does not guarantee specific results. Your doctor or other healthcare providers should be consulted about your particular situation.